My Executive Coach
Always be Ready to See the Sunrise
Want to become C-Suite ready? Ready to leave corporate and launch your own start-up? Transitioning to another industry or a new position? We all need to play to our strengths and manage our blind spots.
In order to win in today's world characterized by volatility and uncertainty, you have to make extra effort to sharpen your saw. Tell us your objectives, then schedule a time with us today to enable yourself to become a successful leader, in corporate or in your own start-up.
What Our Clients Say
What It's Like To Work With Us?
How To Work With Us?
Understand, Re-think, Re-Learn
Understand where we need to unlearn, shift our perspectives and relearn about ourselves in terms of self and team management.
You will be provided with individual access to our coaching client platform for coaching notes record, write up your own reflections, comments, homework, readings and videos that suits your own coaching needs.
Access Where We Are
A snapshot to access / evaluate
We ensure you are the right client for us and you also ensure we are the right coach for you. We normally adopt a weekly or bi-weekly frequency for our engagement.
Afterwards we would decide how much time we need to spend together, normally it takes from 3 months to 12 months, depending on your needs and goals.
Explore Options, Take Actions and Go!
Come up with long-term strategies that will sustain good behaviors and habits
Where We Want To Be